Daily Archives: May 10, 2012

My (Growing) Little School

I got the smartboard content to edit the night before we began school with a pre-kgn parent meeting. Problem was, Selwaan (Curriculum Coordinator, shown looking at a portfolio because parent couldn’t come for the big classroom sharing) sent a file I couldn’t open. I walked into the computer room filled with white, damask-covered chairs about half-filled with perfectly-made-up mothers in black abayas and dads in everything from Saudi garb to white shirts and slacks. Selwaan introduced me and asked me to tell about myself. Luckily, what I said connected with their experience so far with My Little School–even to the addition of Mandarin as a Fall offering after school tying to my having taught in China. I then saw my “office” where Selwaan and I juggle teacher conferencing, meetings to settle all-class squabbles, assessments of new students (she has at least one entrant/day; the school has wait lists for nearly every grade), parent conferences ( initiated by them, mostly), and follow-ups to  observations in classrooms. I don’t know how Selwaan does it–five boys, Egyptian dress and customs, positive attitude with all teachers, Conscious Discipline implementor, and curriculum coordinator. Neither of us is in the room much.

Sunday evening, I went to an informal dinner with principal, Aida, and her family. Maids took my abaya and directed me to where Omar (11) and Tiko (8) showed me their new flips into the pool; Ali came from work at the bank to tell of his Peruvian gastro-tour and new recipes he’d found; Aida and Tamer (5) came down to invite me to a picture-perfect table. First, we had to all do “Highs and Lows” around the table: Omar’s went on for some time–family eating together, a good school day, homework already done…no lows–and the others included having Miss Virginia with them. Tamer’s high was about a baby brother, and Aida told him “Not yet, but it was up to God.” Ali served green salad, but Omar went straight to eggplant in yoghurt (“but I don’t want any seeds on top”) and rice. Tiko had seconds on chopped spinach with mince (hamburger) and potatoes. The stuffed grape leaves were my favorites, but all was delicious. The boys clustered about a Titanic book and asked if I’d published it, having heard their parents ask about AT THE EDGE. Homework and bedtime claimed the household as I left with the driver, happy to have been part of a family. Next day, kindergarten had Cinco de Mayo and portfolio day. The chicken quesedillas, lemonade, dances, and program impressed parents, even more than the presentation by Selwaan and me (although polished, in comparison to yesterday). I walk around the open, upper level of My Little School and am pulled into a class to observe a child, answer a teacher’s concern, share the joy of a caterpillar about to make a cocoon, dry tears of frustration, and give an opinion on Jolly Phonics or request what I want ordered in for lunch. Snacks for kids are as healthy as home sends; teachers munched on celebratory chocolate chip cookies, home-made cake surrounded by mango slices, garlicy hummus and flatbread, delectable chocolates from Paris, and fiery toast pieces from Africa. I sipped ginger in hot water for allergy throat and runny nose. The four-day first week was full and satisfying. I’ve seen messy gifted kids out-thinking teachers, my old walking shoes pulled from Lost and Found, books from MT in the eager hands of Saudi kids, new candidates answering interview questions, Conscious Discipline in action, and flowers proferred as Teacher Appreciation. An equal number of concerns, many by parents who are also teachers at MLS, need unravelling when I return Saturday, the first day of the week here. I’m also to view two Conscious Discipline DVDs (Dr. Bailey’s MO presenter was here last month), lead three phonological awareness enhancing workshops with teachers, and observe three specific kids to suggest classroom strategies. MLS doubled last year; we’ll try to ease growing pains.